Pre Employment Credit Checks for Financial and Insurance Industries

In banking, financial or insurance settings, employee background and credit checks can help:

  • Reduce Turnover – Avoid hiring unreliable employees to reduce absenteeism and turnover-related costs.
  • Protect Assets and Reduce Internal Theft – Avoid hiring candidates with a history of dishonest acts including employee theft, padded expenses and/or unauthorized purchases.
  • Improve the Quality of your Applicant Pool – A formal employment screening program discourages applicants with something to hide and encourages honesty in the application and interview process.

Common Background Checks Requested:

Criminal Background Check

Check a potential employee’s criminal history in order to guard against theft, workplace violence and other unethical conduct.

Education & Employment History

Confirm the education and employment history to verify the accuracy of résumés and avoid hiring unreliable employees.

OFAC Search

Ensure that suspected terrorists do not have access to sensitive information or client accounts.

Consumer Credit Reports

Applicants in difficult financial straits may present a greater risk for misuse of funds and be poorly suited for positions involving financial responsibility.

Professional Licenses/Certifications

Verify a job candidate’s credentials and ensure that they are active and free from disciplinary action.

Companies in the Banking, Financial or Insurance industries may also wish to conduct other background searches such as motor vehicle record (MVR) searches, sex offender searches, social security administration searches and/or E-Verify searches.